Born in Los Angeles, CA in 1977, Push credits much of his inspiration to his upbringing in Southern California. Displaying his creativity and talent from an early age, he always knew art was destined to be a part of his future.. 

As part of the local skateboarding scene, Push would be introduced to graffiti through fellow skateboarders in the late 1980's. By 1993, Push would begin writing graffiti, honing his craft while learning from his global circle of peers and established veterans. Over the next several years, Push would continue to grow and develop his style and by the early 2000's his maturity and development would be his constant push for reinvention. 

The eye-catching and vibrant, geometrical design that call your attention are a direct contrast to the quiet, understated demeanor of the artist who creates them. Thoughtful and insightful, Push's work speaks without words, reflecting the balance of the artists analytic and natural talent. 

Now twenty-four years later, Push remains dedicated to his craft and true to the art form. What had begun as a hobby, has become his livelihood. 
We sent over some questions and got a rare glimpse into some of the things that inspire Push.

How did you first get started with art? Any story behind the name Push?
I always loved to draw as a kid. I got into skateboarding in the third or fourth grade. Being a skater you meet a lot of interesting people. It was the people I met through skateboarding that I was introduced to graffiti. One of those people I met is an artist named Saber, we grew up together, he gave me the name Push.

Are there any artists that inspire you?
The classical music station on the radio.

Describe a typical day for you?
A nice balance of family time and studio time.

Favorite time of day?

Favorite drink?
Coffee, water, beer.

Listening to?
I have a three year old daughter, so most of the time I have the soundtrack to Moana playing in my head.

Right now I'm reading Eat Sleep Sit by Kaoru Nonomura.
März 14, 2017